漆器を大量に触れていると、食器というより、 多種多様な形状を重ねたり、組み合わせたりして遊べる オブジェのようにも感じてくる。 食事のあと、ほんとうに無意識のうちに、 自分が使ったお椀やお皿を積み重ねていた。 終わったことの合図、片付けの準備。 積み上がった器たちが食卓に点在する様子は、 村のようだったり、都市空間のようで、 なんだか楽しさがある。 重ねるという行為は、器にそもそも根付いた 要素なのかもしれない。 だったら、もっと遊ぶように、 積んだ形も楽しめたらいいなと思って。 When handling lacquerware in large quantities, it starts to feel less like tableware and more like objects that you can play with by stacking and combining various shapes. After a meal, almost unconsciously, I found myself stacking the bowls and plates I had used. It felt like a signal that it was over, a preparation for cleaning up. The way the stacked dishes were scattered across the table looked like a village or an urban space, and there was something inherently playful about it. The act of stacking might be an element that is inherently embedded in the bowls themselves. If that's the case, I thought it would be nice if we could enjoy the shapes created by stacking, almost as a form of play.