越前ハウス / Echizen House

It functions as a base for production and research based on archives and residency.
It aims to be a place where short-term residents can learn and acquire knowledge and skills.
1. 短期的な滞在支援
2. 試験的なプロジェクトの場
3. アーカイブの構築
4. 独自イベントの開催

1. support for short-term residency
The Center accepts designers and artists for the purpose of production and research on a short-term basis.
We will provide them with opportunities to experiment with mock-ups and prototypes created during their stay in Japan.
The program aims to accumulate continuous value by adding the results of the residents' activities to the archive. 2.
2. pilot projects
The space will be used for simple mock-ups and pilot projects of new ideas.
The cultural community that emerges around the creators itself will begin to have value.
3. building an archive
Organize and preserve the works and research generated at Echizen House.
Accumulate physical and digital records of materials and artworks, which will serve as resources for future projects. 4.
4. organize original events
Designers and creators can organize their own events.
Participation in other festivals, exhibitions, workshops, public productions, and other diverse forms will broaden the value of using Echizen House.
Exchange with the local community and related industries will also be conducted to spread the network.