全ての面に越前和紙を用い、背面の支柱に巻き込まれる仕組みで扉が開閉するシェルフ。扉を開ける動作は、自然と緊張感を伴い、巻物を広げる瞬間や襖を開ける儀式的な所作を彷彿とさせます。和紙が擦れ合う音と繊細な触感が、その開放の瞬間に緊張を高め、視覚と触覚を通じて、儀礼的な意味を深めていきます。越前和紙の美しい面の表情を引き立たせるためプリミティブな木材を構成、神社や仏閣を思わせる厳かな佇まいを創り出しています。 This shelf is entirely constructed from Echizen washi, with a mechanism that winds the paper around the rear support pillars to open and close the doors. The act of opening the doors naturally evokes a sense of tension, reminiscent of unrolling a scroll or performing the ritual of opening a fusuma door. The friction of the washi and its delicate texture enhance the tension in the moment of release, deepening its ritualistic significance through both sight and touch. To highlight the beautiful surface of the Echizen washi, the shelf's structure is crafted from primitive wood, creating a dignified presence that recalls the atmosphere of shrines and temples.