和紙は古来から今現在に至っても書物だけでなく、包み紙や壁紙、建具に張り込むことにも用いられてきた。紙を物に沿わせ折り目をつけてたたみ、また紙を引きつけてたたむ。この中の過程で必ず一次曲面のひだが紙に生まれる。紙をモノに対して完全に張り込むのでなく折り目をつける手前のような状態でとどめることで、連続するドレープを生みそのまま道具の輪郭として用いた。伝統工芸のコンテクストのみに捉われず素材が持つ純粋なユニークさや美しさを新たな形であらわすことを目指した。 From ancient times to the present, Japanese paper has been used not only for writing, but also for wrapping paper, wallpaper, and papering fixtures. Paper is folded by creasing it along an object, and then folding it again by pulling it back together. In this process, folds of primary curved surfaces are always created in the paper.By keeping the paper in the state before the crease, rather than sticking it completely to the object, a continuous drape is created and used as the outline of the tool as it is. The aim was to express the pure uniqueness and beauty of the material in a new form, not only in the context of traditional craftsmanship. 和紙 : やなせ和紙 / 清水紙工 / 長田製紙所 / 清水和紙