消えゆく道具である「漆掻きの刃物」の再現を試みた。国内に流通する国産漆は約5% しかない。漆掻き職人の減少に伴い、漆掻きの道具を作る職人もいなくなった。現在はもう、一人しかいないという。無くなりゆくことを阻止するなんて、たいそうなことは言えない。少しずつ、作り方を調査して、研究し、記録する。いつかまた誰かが作り出せるように。 I have attempted to reproduce the “lacquer scraping blade,” a tool that is disappearing. Only about 5% of domestic lacquer is produced in Japan. As the number of lacquer scrapers has decreased, the number of craftsmen who make lacquer scraping tools has also disappeared. There is now only one craftsman who makes lacquer scraping tools. It is not a big deal to stop the disappearance of lacquer. Little by little, we are researching, studying, and documenting how to make them. We will research, study, and record the process so that someday someone will be able to make it again. 制作協力 : 澤田 隆司